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Re: Guidelines for Protection of Pregnant Nurses
Obviously, this topic is not addressed in the regulations, however,
you should look at NCRP-54 "Medical Radiation Exposure of Pregnant and
Potentially Pregnant Women." Section 2.2 specifically addresses the
issue of therapeutic abortion following radiation exposure.
Hope this helps.
Steven D. Rima, CHP
Vice President, ES&H Services
"Standard disclaimer stuff....."
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Guidelines for Protection of Pregnant Nurses
Author: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu at CCSMTP
Date: 7/12/95 4:05 AM
A graduate student ( a nurse in our hospital ) has
asked me some questions with which radsafers may be able to help.
Given that nurses caring for patients getting radiotherapy with 137Cs,
routinely wear film badges, is there any circumstance in which
radiation exposure could occur which would justify therapeutic abortion?
John Goldsmith <gjohn@bgumail.bgu.ac.il>