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Re: Risk Calculation Analogies

The analogy I heard recently was:

        If the risk of death from jumping off a 100' cliff is 100%, then
        the risk from jumping off a 1' cliff is 1%.  Based upon this risk,
        one could assume that if 100 people jump off a 1' cliff, 1 person
        should be expected to die.

Bob Loesch

>>I am looking for new and interesting ways to explain how radiation risks......
>>I've heard the analogy comparing effects of taking a hundred aspirin all at 
>>once, and from that data determining the expected effects of taking one 
>>aspirin a day for a hundred days (though this analogy is somewhat lacking). 
>> Any creative ideas out there?
>How about comparing it to crossing a busy road. ie finding out how many
>people cross a particular road each year and how many are hit by cars then
>calculating the risk of being hit by a car per road crossing.
>                        Alex Zapantis
>                        Radiation Safety Officer                               
>                        Queensland University of Technology          
>                        Health & Safety Section                             
>                        Locked Bag No.2
>                        Red Hill Qld 4059
>                        AUSTRALIA
>                        Ph     : 61 7 864 3566
>                        fax     : 61 7 864 3993
>                        email  : a.zapantis@qut.edu.au
        * Robert M. Loesch         U.S. Department of Energy *
        * DOELAP Administrator     EH-52, GTN, 270 CC        *
        *                          19901 Germantown Road     *
        * (301) 903-4443   voice   Germantown, MD 20874-0963 *
        * (301) 903-7773   fax                               *
        *           email: loesch@viper.eh.doe.gov           *
           Random number generation is too important a task
                      to be left to chance!

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