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Symposium Announcement
First Annual Schull International Lecture
"Commemorating 50 years of Research on the Hiroshima
and Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Survivors and Their Children"
October 7-10, 1995
Wyndam Warwick Hotel
5701 Main Street
Houston Texas 77005
Telephone: (713) 526-1991 Fax: (713) 526-0359
Sponsored by the Victoria and William J. Schull Institute (non-profit)
For registration information, contact:
Margaret Dybala
c/o International Center for Solution of Environmental Problems (ICSEP)
535 Lovett Boulevard
Houston, Texas 77006
Phone: (713) 527-8711
Saturday, October 7, 1995
All day - Arrival of participants
Check-in at Wyndam Warwick Hotel
Sunday, October 8, 1995
3:00 - 6:00 PM - Historical discussion of ABCC/RERF
(with taped interviews)
7:00 PM - Black Tie Reception
Monday, October 9, 1995
8:00 AM - Greetings, Scientific and Political Milieu -
Itsuzo Shigematsu (RERF)
First Annual Schull International Lecture
8:30 AM - Introduction of Lecturer: Leif E. Peterson
(Baylor College of Medicine) 1995 Victoria and
William J. Schull Institute Program Scholar
Lecturer: Frank W. Putnam (Indiana University) Fifty
Years of Partnership: ABCC, RERF, and the National Academy
of Sciences
I. Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Rapporteur, R. F. Christy
(Cal. Instit. of Tech.)
9:30 AM - Development of the Atomic Bomb -
Robert F. Christy (California Institute of Technology)
10:00 AM - Development of A-Bomb Survivor Dosimetry -
George D. Kerr (ORNL)
10:30 AM - Origin of DS86 -
Dean C. Kaul (SAIC)
11:00 AM - Medical Radiation Exposures of Atomic Bomb Survivors -
Kazuo Kato (Suzugamine Woman's College -
II. Cancer Epidemiology - Rapporteur, E. Ron (NIH-NCI)
1:00 PM - Studies of Workers Exposed to Low Levels of External
Radiation - Ethel S. Gilbert (Battelle - Pacific
Northwest Laboratory)
1:30 PM - Hiroshima and Nagasaki Tumor Registries and Atomic
Bomb Survivor Cancer Incidence Studies -
Kiyohiko Mabuchi (RERF)
2:00 PM - A Comparison of Cancer Incidence and Mortality Among
Atomic Bomb Survivors -
Elaine Ron (NIH-NCI)
III. Cancer Statistics - Rapporteur, D.L. Preston (RERF)
2:30 PM - Statistical Aspects of RERF Cancer Epidemiology -
Donald A. Pierce (RERF)
3:00 PM - Interaction between radiation dose and other cancer
risk factors -
Charles E. Land (NIH-NCI)
3:30 PM - Studies of Leukemia Risk in the Atomic Bomb Survivors -
Dale L. Preston (RERF)
IV. Radiation Biology - Rapporteur, J. V. Neel (University of Michigan)
4:00 PM - Alternative Approaches to Radiation Hazard Assessment -
Victor P. Bond (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
4:30 PM - Evaluating the Genetic Effects of Exposure to the
Atomic Bombs -
James V. Neel (University of Michigan)
5:30 PM - Cocktails and Dinner - Texas Style Barbecue with music
Introduction of Speaker -
Patricia A. Buffler (University of California -
Speaker: TBA, Department of Energy,
Office of Health Studies
Tuesday, October 10, 1995
V. Cellular Effects, Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis - Rapporteur, J. E.
Trosko (Michigan State University)
9:00 AM - Biodosimetry: Chromosomal Aberrations in Lymphocytes
and Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) in Tooth Enamel -
Nori Nakamura (RERF)
9:30 AM - A Model for Radiation Carcinogenesis Based on
Biodosimetric Principles -
Mortimer L. Mendelsohn (RERF)
10:00 AM - Radiation Effects Determined by the Glycophorin A
Somatic Mutation Analysis -
Ronald H. Jensen (Univ. of California - San Francisco)
10:30 AM - Molecular Analysis of in vivo HPRT Mutations in Humans -
Richard J. Albertini (University of Vermont)
11:00 AM - Radiation, Signal Transduction and Modulation of
Intercellular Communication -
James E. Trosko (Michigan State University)
VI. Psychosocial Factors and Social Responsibilities, - Rapporteur, E. J.
Bromet (State Univ. of New York - Stony Brook)
1:00 PM - Atomic Bomb Survivors Relief Law -
Itsuzo Shigematsu (RERF)
1:30 PM - Psychological Impact of Nuclear Catastrophes -
Evelyn J. Bromet (State Univ. of New York -
Stony Brook)
VII. Future Studies and Closing
2:00 PM - Mechanistic Modeling of Radiation-Induced Cancer -
Mark Little (NRPB)
2:30 PM - The Ultimate Questions: Future Research at RERF -
John D. Zimbrick (NAS)
3:00 PM - Closing Remarks -
Itsuzo Shigematsu (RERF)
With best regards,
Leif Peterson
Leif E. Peterson, Ph.D., M.P.H. Phone: (713) 798-4614
Assistant Professor of Medicine Fax: (713) 798-3990
Center for Cancer Control Research E-mail: peterson@bcm.tmc.edu
Department of Medicine, ST-924
Baylor College of Medicine
One Baylor Plaza
Houston, Texas 77030