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Re: Plutonium

  A cuople of months ago Marvin Goldman had an execellent article in the 
  hp newsletter on 'deadly plutonium' with the nice line that though
  Pu was highly toxic it is not very hazardous.  Looking at the ingestion
  transfer coefficients and you need to eat a lot to get your daily dose.

> Remember the statement that Pu is the most hazardous substance/material known
> to man?  K.K.S. (Sam) Pillay at LANL is looking for citable references - pro
> and con - for a compliation.  Send any reference you know about to
> s_pillay@lanl.gov (he is not a radsaf subscriber - maybe a good response will
> get him to sing up).  My thanks for him in advance. 
> Charles C. (Tommy) Thomas 
> Approved by M. S. Thomas