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RADSAFE: Re "New Net" environmental radiation monitoring sys
A group here at LANL participates in the "NEWNET: The Neighborhood
Environmental Watch Network" program. A short cut from their WWW
home page (http://newnet.jdola.lanl.gov/newnet.html):
The NEWNET is a system of environmental monitoring stations. In
general, each station measures gamma radiation, wind speed and
direction, barometric pressure, temperature, humidity and rain-
fall. However, other types of measurements have been adapted to
individual stations.
The data from these stations is made public on a daily basis
with about 24 hours delay.
Data may be accessed with FTP from j8losa.jdola.lanl.gov from
the ERAMS_DATA directory.
The home page gives the following names/e-mail addresses for further
information: Connon Odom, LANL odom_c@jdola.lanl.gov and Robert Sharp,
EG&G/EM sharp-rp@egg.nv.doe.gov. As I recall this program was begun
to monitor emissions from the Nevada Test Site but has expanded from
there. We have NEWNET stations here at LANL and there was talk of
installing some at Rocky Flats. I also believe they are looking into
adding an alpha/beta monitoring capability.
>From: ksilver@bu.edu
>Does anybody have a name and telephone number for the company that
>sells the "New Net" environmental radiation monitoring system?
>Ken Silver
>Boston University
Donivan Porterfield (505) 667-4710
Los Alamos National Laboratory (505) 665-5982 fax
MS K484, CST-3 (Analytical Services)
Los Alamos, NM 87545 dporterfield@lanl.gov