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NCRP Nominations
I am chair of the American Nuclear Society NCDRP Liaison Committee and I have
a couple of things on my mind that you Radsafers can help with. I have
contacted the ANS-BMD list but something is wrong at this point in time and,
also, I want to contact a larger group including those whyo are not ANS
members. 1) I am looking for volunteers that wish to serve as Committee
members or committee resources. The areas of interest of NCRP include
epidemology, nonionizing electromagentic fields, nuclear medicine, public
policy, radiation measurements and has recently formed a group under A. Upton
to look at our favorite linera - no threshold question. The Liaison Committee
will revendations to me (If an ANS member send it to John Graham at ANS/HQ with
a copy to me). We need biographical data and a bri9ef paragraph setting out
your evaluation of the qualification of the individual and that identifies
his/her area of competence. T. I would like to know what role, member
or resource, you would like to play, your area of interest/expertize and
address (snail and e-mail). 2) NCRP is requesting suggestions of individuals
who might be considered for nomination to NCRP membership. The letter went
out to 57 collaborating organizations including ANS. There are going to be 12
vacancies of which 6 may be filled by re-election. The ares aof expertise are
those given above and NRCP is a affirmative action organization. Send any
recommendations to me (If an ANS member send it to John Graham at ANS/HQ with
a copy to me). We need biographical data and a bri9ef paragraph setting out
your evaluation of the qualification of the individual and that identifies
his/her area of competence. T