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Re: furlough

 To: IN14994 --POST

 From: R.J.Vetter
 Subject: Re: furlough

 You are absolutely right, and I am embarrassed about my flippant, impulsive
 remark. There is no excuse; obviously, I wasn't thinking. I have the highest
 respect for my health physics colleagues in all sectors.

 Now, may we drop this subject dropped and get on with real health physics

 *    Richard J. Vetter, Ph.D. CHP   email: rvetter@mayo.edu   *
 *    Phone: 507-284-4408  Fax 507-284-0150                    *
 *** Forwarding note from IN14994 --POST     11/16/95 16:05 ***
 Date: 16 Nov 95 16:05:19 CST
 From: radsafe
 To:   IN14994 --POST     radsafe@romulus.eh
 Subject: Re: furlough

           The government furlough is hard enough to endure and one
           would expect comments like those I have seen posted on
           radsafe to appear on "hate" radio talk shows.

           The furlough is a political game, and federal workers are
           being used as pawns.  I do not think radsafe is a forum to
           make such comments as those that I have seen recently and
           especially from someone as well respected (or was well
           respected by me) as Dr. Vetter.

           I believe that radsafe should stick to what it does best -
           serve as a forum for radiological information exchange, not
           as a forum for "bashing" federal workers.  I am really ashamed
           to be part of such a community!

           Stuart M. Altman
           U.S. Department of Energy
           Defesne Programs (DP-34)

 ______________________________ Reply Separator
 Subject: furlough
 Author:  radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu_at_internet at x400PO
 Date:    11/16/95 2:35 PM

 Message authorized by:
     : rvetter@mayo.edu_at_internet at x400PO
 Errors-To: melissa@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
 Originator: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
 Precedence: bulk
 X-Listserver-Version: 6.0 -- UNIX ListServer by Anastasios Kotsikonas
 X-Comment:  Radiation Safety Distribution List

  To: IN14994 --POST

  *** Reply to note of 11/16/95 13:16
  From: R.J.Vetter
  Subject: furlough
  It makes a big difference in mail volume, doesn't it. Perhaps we should
  consider a proposal to permanently furlough some govt. radiation divisions.

  I will be meeting with the Texas Panhandle Chapter Feb 21 in Amarillo and
  North Texas Chapter Feb 22 in Dallas. Are you planning to attend one or

  *    Richard J. Vetter, Ph.D. CHP   email: rvetter@mayo.edu   *
  *    Phone: 507-284-4408  Fax 507-284-0150                    *

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 Date: Thu, 16 Nov 1995 15:55:31 +0000
 From: Stuart.Altman@dp.doe.gov
 Subject: Re: furlough
 Sender: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
 To: Multiple recipients of list <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
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 X-Listserver-Version: 6.0 -- UNIX ListServer by Anastasios Kotsikonas
 X-Comment: Radiation Safety Distribution List

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