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Re: NRC Inspection

We ahve similar problems this side of the pond.  All our fridges and freezers are now supposed to be kept locked 
except when taking out material and putting it back.  We found about a 50% loss rate when trying to retro-fit them 
with fixed locks and many users now use a chain aranged so that it can't pulled off passing through the handle.  This is 
locked with a simple padlock.  Anyone who REALLY wants to break in will anyway and the only losers are the 
workes who can't find who walked off with that  .......  key last night!

David Walland
University of Bristol (UK)

On Fri, 17 Nov 95 07:08:36 -0600 Mack Richard wrote:

> From: Mack Richard <MRICHARD@WPO.IUPUI.EDU>
> Date: Fri, 17 Nov 95 07:08:36 -0600
> Subject: NRC Inspection
> To: Multiple recipients of list <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
> Along with a few others, I can vouch for the fact that the NRC is working
> this week!!!  We just spent 3.5 days with them on a routine inspection (oh
> well, we had nothing else to do - ha).  
> As you might imagine, with the recent events at NIH and MIT, security is
> now a big issue.  The inspectors went to about 50 of our research labs
> and observed whether or not they we "challenged" when they entered a
> lab alone.  As you might imagine, some people gave them weird looks but
> didn't directly ask them why they were there.  How many graduate
> students are going to ask someone in a suit what business they have in
> the lab?!  They even enacted a couple of scenarios where they
> pretended to remove something from a refrigerator when people weren't
> in the immediate area and walked out of the lab.  He asked one of our rad
> safety staff members how far she though he could get with the pretend
> material - she responded, "Probably back to Chicago!!
> None of this came as a surprise to either our staff or the NRC inspector. 
> We are going to try to raise the awareness of our ram users regarding
> security, but as most of you know, it's an uphill battle.  Any suggestions
> out there??  We (and probably a lot of others) would like to here 'em.
> Mack R.
> mrichard@wpo.iupui.edu