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Re: Anecdotes

On Mon, 20 Nov 95 03:53:03 -0600, 
Craig Harmon  <charmon@skid.ps.uci.edu> wrote:

>Hey guys, enough with the war stories ok?
>You guys are worse than my old army buddies.
>Of all the computer and physics listservs, this one is the worst when it 
>comes to junk mail.
>It's getting harder and harder to find the pearls around here.

If you have ever taught radiation safety to researchers at a university you 
would appreciate the value of "war stories".  Few pay attention to rules 
without some real life stories as to why you should do something.  Of 
course even then they know that it can not happen to them.

Sim Shanks, RSO                             shankss@odrge.odr.georgetown.edu
Environmental Health and Safety             (202) 687-4712
LM12 Pre-Clinical Science                   fax (202) 687-5046
3900 Reservoir Road
Washington, D.C. 20007