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RE: Coal v. Nuclear
Unfortunately, if past history of human nature holds true, people will look
negatively upon nuclear power until the demand for electricity outstrips the
supply (I realize that rolling brown-outs are already a reality in certain parts
of the US, but it's not full-scale -- yet). Coal, oil and gas won't get us
through the next century.
'Just wait until there's a computer in every house and an electric car
plugged into every outdoor socket -- and watch those meters spin! As long
as there's enough juice in the socket to make the morning toast and coffee,
then to Mom and Pop Heartland USA, this coal v. nuclear discussion is just
some esoteric, PC, enviro-nut fringe topic that they could care less about.
But when the toast isn't toasted and the coffee is still in the grounds, they'll
be able to swallow their radio phobias and justify to themselves about how
much "we" need nuke power.
.......and the rest of the world just laugh and shake their heads at "those
silly Americans."
Michael Ford
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