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Background radiation levels

To: RADSAFE --INTERNET radsafe@romulus.eh

Whatever one gets for an answer to that one it isn't likely going to be
anything more than a imaginative guess. Radiation levels are measurable only in
the present.In fact you will not find agreement on the premise ie "if" the
  world is 4 billion years old and "if" life evolved.

Radiation Protection, Ministry of Health, British Columbia
The opinions and material above are solely those of the author.
This is a disclaimer for postings to bulletin boards, newsgroups
etc., on the internet.  Randy Ross, rnross@bcsc02.gov.bc.ca
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I have a researcher who needs to know about background radiation
(ionizing, not UV,...)  levels since the appearance of life on earth.
Specifically, during the almost 4 billion years of lifes evolution how
have background levels of ionizing radiation changed?

I would appreciate RADSAFER's insights and references for this.

Thank you in advance for all of the good information I am about to receive.

Kent Lambert

These are my thoughts.  If they are wrong
I accidentally pressed the send instead of
the delete key.  My employer makes no claim
to endorse my opinions.