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Re: LLW treatment vendors

     I have place your request for assistance on cc mail to the DoD 
     Executive Agent for LLRW....time and resources permitting, you should 
     get a reply

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: LLW treatment vendors
Author:  radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu at ~GW1
Date:    2/9/96 10:15 AM

As part of my project, I need to compile a comprehensive list of vendors 
that provide LLRW or mixed waste treatment in the commercial sector.  I have 
a pretty good list so far, but I want to be sure it as complete and 
up-to-date as possible.  Please provide me any info regarding vendors in any 
and all states and compact regions (i.e. SEG, CNSI, Envirocare, VECTRA, 
etc.)including the vendor name, location, and phone number (if available).  
Again, send this information to my e-mail address at RSG@inel.gov.  
Do not reply to this message on RADSAFE.  Thanks for your assistance.  This 
document will be available later this summer.
Take care for now!
Russ Garcia (rsg@inel.gov)
National Low-Level Waste Management Program 
P.O. Box 1625
Idaho Falls, ID  83415-2420
ph: 208-526-0483
fax: 208-526-9165