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HP Journal TOC (fwd)
Hi All,
Here is the May Health Physics Jounral TOC
-Bruce Busby
Schedule of Contents
Volume 70, No. 5, May 1996
On the cover: Photograph of the full hollow casts of human (left) and
canine tracheobronchial airways. See paper by Beverly S. Cohen on
page 695 for more details.
Editor's Note Page - 613
Radioactivity: Conception to Birth:
The Health Physics Society 1995 Radiology
Centennial Hartman Oration
- P. W. Frame Page - 614
Pathway to a Paradigm: The Linear Nonthreshold
Dose-Response Model in Historical Context:
The American Academy of Health Physics 1995
Radiology Centennial Hartman Oration
- Ronald L. Kathren Page - 621
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen: The American
Association of Physicists in Medicine 1995
Radiology Centennial Hartman Oration
- Gail D. Adams Page - 636
32P and Beta Emitting Radionuclides in
Microbiology and Cell Biology
- Brian Rees Page - 639
Using the World Wide Web
- Bruce Busby Page - 643
Comparison of Dose Histories for U. S. Nuclear
Power Plant Workers, Based on Records held by a
Major Dosimetry Service Company and on the
NRC REIRS Database
- Colin R. Muirhead, John D. Boice, Jr.,
Charleen T. Raddatz, and R. Craig Yoder Page - 645
Comparison of Direct Alpha Spectrometry and
Neutron Activation Analysis of Aerosol Filters
for Determination of Workplace Thorium Air
- H. Hvtzl, W. Riedmann, K. Weinm|ller, and
R. Winkler Page - 651
Simplified Organ Retention Functions for
Physiologically Based Recycling Biokinetic Models
- A. Khursheed, T. P. Fell, G. M. Kendall,
and A. W. Phipps Page - 656
Countermeasures for Radiocesium in Animal
Products in Norway after the Chernobyl
Accident -- Techniques, Effectiveness, and Costs
- L. I. Brynildsen, T. D. Selnaes, P. Strand, and
K. Hove Page - 665
A New Beaded Carbon Molecular Sieve Sorbent for
222Rn Monitoring
- S. Charles Scarpitta Page - 673
Microdosimetric Approach to the Problem of Lung
Cancer Induced by Radon Progeny
- A. Sedlak Page - 680
Indoor 222Rn Concentrations in Central Asturias
- J. Manuel Pirez Iglesias, M. Cruz Alvarez Alvarez,
M. Teresa Dopico Vivero, and
Lesn Garzsn Ruipirez Page - 689
Particle Deposition in Human and Canine
Tracheobronchial Casts: A Determinant of
Radon Dose to the Critical Cells of the
Respiratory Tract
- Beverly S. Cohen Page - 695
Complete Decay of Radionuclides: Implications for
Low-Level Waste Disposal in Municipal Landfills
- Robert A. Meck Page - 706
Radon and Thoron Emanation from Uranium-Glazed
- Michael E. Kitto, Craig A. McNulty,
and Charles O. Kunz Page - 712
On Designing Room Shielding for Total-Body
- Robert J. Barish Page - 714
Development of a General Equation to Determine
the Transfer Factor Feed-to-Meat for Radiocesium
on the Basis of the Body Mass of Domestic Animals
- S. Nalezinski, W. R|hm, and E. Wirth Page - 717
Bases for Secondary Standards for Residual
Radionuclides in Soil and some Recommendations
for Cost-Effective Operational Implementation
- Lynn R. Anspaugh and Jeffrey I. Daniels Page - 722
Estimation of Radiation Doses for Atomic-Bomb
Survivors in the Hiroshima University Registry
- M. Hoshi, M. Matsuura, N. Hayakawa, C. Ito,
and N. Kamada Page - 735
Assessing the Service Provided by an Institutional
Radiation Safety Survey Program
- R. J. Emery, R. L. Sawyer, and D. D. Sprau Page - 741
237Np in Hemp-Palm Leaves of Bontenchiku for
Fishing Gear used by the Fifth Fukuryu-Maru:
40 Years after Bravo"
- Masayoshi Yamamoto, Takaharu Ishiguro,
Kazue Tazaki, Kazuhisa Komura, and Kaoru Ueno Page - 744
Clarification of Moghissi and Straja's
Consistency in Radon Dosimetry and
- Adam R. Hutter Page - 749
Response to Hutter
-A. Alan Moghissi
Sorin R. Straja Page - 749
Radiation Risk Communication in Human
Subjects Research
- Kenneth L. Mossman Page - 749
Response to Mossman
- Wayne A. Wiatrowski Page - 750
Comments on Determination of Waterborne
222Rn Concentrations Using AC Canisters
- Arrigo A. Cigna Page - 751
Response to Cigna
- Carlo Mancini Page - 751
Effects of A-Bomb Radiation on the Human Body
Reviewed by Seymour Jablon Page - 752
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