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If anyone can help these guys out with films please email
kost@necu.freenet.kiev.ua directly. Or you can email me and
I will forward it.
Thanks! :-)
>>Cross posted from the Civil Society List
>>FROM: Vasiliy Kostyushin , Executive director
>> of National Ecological Centre of Ukraine
>>Fax: 044 220 10 28 E-mail: kost@necu.freenet.kiev.ua mail:
>>Chervonoarmiyska 92 252005 Kiev-5 Ukraine
>>Institute for Sustainable Communities (USA), National Ecological
>>Center of Ukraine and Ministry of Environmental Protection and
>>Nuclear Safety are conducting the project Ecological Television
>>and Public Awareness Program of Ukraine (ETPAU). The main
>>objective of the program is increasing of public awareness and
>>strengthening of public activity in the sphere of environmction.
>>Four Work Groups are created within the Project: Dnipro, Donbass,
>>Biodiversity, and ECO TV. These groups are involved in the
>>following activities: creation of environmental films, publishing
>>of ecological booklets, conducting seminars, arranging round
>>tables, organizing tours with participation of scientists and wide
>>In the course of the Project implementation it is supposed to set
>>up an Independent Center of Ecological Films. One of the Center's
>>objectives is creation of library of ecological films with the
>>goal of their further demonstration on the National TV channels
>>and other channels including regional ones.
>>Additionally within the Project " Learn with us" which is
>>conducted on the base of National Ecological Center of Ukraine an
>> and Methodical Center is being created. The main goal of the
>> Center is the collection of information as well as ne methodics
>> in the sphere of environmental education. It is planned to
>> arrange a series of lectures, seminars and training sessions for
>> the pupils, school teachers, students and environmental activists
>> from NGO of Ukraine. We hope that in future these series of
>> lectures and demonstrations of ecological films will be realized
>> on the regular basis.
>> In Ukraine after Chernobyl accident people are really tired to be
>>afraid of environmal problems. For that reason it is consd as
>>reasonable to realize envirtal education through positive
>>emotions. So it i wise in addition to the problelms to demonstrate
>>educational films about the nature of different parts of the arth,
>>about different species of animal and plants.
>>So taking into account all mentioned above, Ukrainian National
>>Ecologic Center is applng to all Governmental and Nongovernmental
>>organization with the request to assist in collection of films:
>>- may be your organizatios a possibility to submit us copies of
>> ecological films as well as films about activity of
>> your organization and films on other subjects for free of
>> charge;
>>- may be your organization could sell us video films. We are
>> to discuss this variant though we have to confess we
>> are pressed for money;
>>- may be you could recommend us the films that should be bought
>> your opinion and that are available in the stores;
>>- may be you could recommend us organization where we should
>> with our request.
>>We would appreciate any assistance. As there are different ways
>>of using video films, like:
>>- translation and demonstration of films on the TV, either
>>full version or by pieces;
>>- translation and demonstration of the films during lectures,
>>seminars ;
>>- demonstration of movies during lectures, seminars
>>Please indicate which way is appropriate for you and undhich
>>terms and conditions you can provide us with video films if you
>>Tnk you in advance ,
>> Vasiliy Kostyushin
>> *****************************************************ological
>> Centre of Ukraine was registered byhe Ministry
>>of Justice of Ukraine aon-governmental organization on August 30,
>>1991. The purpose of the Cene is to join efforts with scientists,
>>public figurs, environmental groupcitizen activists in their
>>enedeavors to improve the environmental situation inne. Now
>>EcoCentre have 17 branches in majority regions of the country
>>anhave conducte different projects devouted to nature protection:
>>creation reseducational and scientific seminars etc. For example
>>the EcoCentre prepared and pshed " The National Report on
>>Environmental Situations in Ukraine in 19coCentre is a member of