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Re: HP Job Shortage

On Apr 05, 1996 15:20:05, '"Michelle D. Doty" <cheld@engin.umich.edu>'
>The thing that is most frustrating to me is that *when* a job listing does
>out, it requires experience.  Three months experience, or so, is easy to
>with almost any HP internship, but three to five years??  Any Radsafers
>there no how one HP grad student can meet, or get around, this
>Please send your replies to me directly.  Thanks! 
>Michelle Doty 
>/*\ /*\ 
>*** ***	Michelle Doty 
>/*\\** **//*\	cheld@engin.umich.edu 
>***       ***	http://www-personal.engin.umich.edu/~cheld/resume.html \*/
>/*******\	Graduate Student 
>*********	UM Dept. of Nuclear Engg. & Radiological Sci.  \*******/ 
From: rso_inc@usa.pipeline.com (Daniel E. Caulk) 
Subject: Re: Employment opportunity 
Health Physics Technician to perform routine radiation safety  
surveys and other related HP tasks at a major medical research 
institution in the Mid-Atlantic area. Applicants must have a 
minimum of 6 months experience performing HP surveys and  
2 years of college level training, with a minimum of 12 credit 
hours in the Sciences or technical areas. An AA degree in 
Health Physics is preferred.  
(Minimum requirements only to qualify, not maximum) 
Salary in the range of $ 25 to 31 K/yr with full company benefits  
Starting salary depending on education and experience.   
Please fax resume supporting minimum requirements along with  
salary history to:    
                                  RSO, INC.   
                                  % Greg Smith, CHP  
                                  General Manager  
Resumes may also be sent to:     rso_inc@usa.pipeline.com  
Also check our Web Page at:    www.us.net/nicosoft/rso 
Thank You Please stay in touch. When do you graduate? We would be pleased
to provide your post graduate training. RSO has an excellent record for
providing a starting place for new HP's. The exposure to many facets of
Health Physics is a part of the RSO experience.  
Dan Caulk 