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Re: Chrnobyl effects - Wales and Northern UK

Dr. Fred Mettler from the University of New Mexico may be able to give you
some information.  He lead the WHO team at Chernobly and I understand he
makes routine visits to the area..Sorry I don't have his E-mail or phone
number handy, but if you look in the directory for the UNM, you'll probably
find him...

>I thought someone on this list might have information that could help this
>>Date:         Mon, 8 Apr 1996 09:09:46 -0400
>>From: Gary Evans <evansg@nal.usda.gov>
>>Subject:      Chrnobyl effects - Wales and Northern UK
>>To: Multiple recipients of list ECOLOG-L <ECOLOG-L@UMDD.UMD.EDU>
>>I recently received a question regarding plume effects of Chernobyl on
>>the meat, wool and animal industry of Wales.
>>The discussion indicated that the western edge of the Chernobyl plume
>>advanced over the UK with little recognizable effect except in north
>>Wales.  In theory the Irish Sea thermals caused eddying of the plume long
>>enough to deposit radiation.  apparently the levels are very low and thus
>>of no serious concern to the human population, however, the grazers,
>>notably the sheep and cattle, plus deer and other ruminants have through
>>bioaccumulation, acquired enough radiation to make the meat unmarketable.
>>Can anyone provide references, email addresses of scientists or MAFF
>>workers who can either confirm or deny this rumor?
>>Thanks in advance
>>Gary R. Evans
>>US Department of Agriculture
>>Washington, DC
>Larisa Streeter
>    Corporate Environmental Scientist
>      Western Atlas International, Inc.
>        Houston, Texas
>          larisa@sam.neosoft.com
>*** My opinion only. Use at your own risk. No warranties real or ***
>*** implied. Void where prohibited by law. Your mileage may vary.***
>*** My boss has already disavowed all knowledge of my actions....***
Scott L.