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ANSI N13.27 standard
I am the section head for radiation protection instruments for N13.
N13.27 is on track and will be issued as a draft ANSI standard for comment
this year. (The final HPS internaI draft will be completed at this
summer's HPS meeting and will be voted on by the HPSSC and issued as a
draft ANSI standard for comment this fall.) I am curious to know who told
Sandy Perle that N13.27 was pulled since this is false information. The
Chair of the writing group is Jim Bogard at ORNL. (bogardjs@ornl.gov or
(615) 574-5851.) As all HPS standards, N13.27 will be copyrighted. In
order to obtain a copy for review and comment (which we strongly
encourage), the contents should be treated as a pre-publication draft and
not be quoted or referenced without approval of the HPS.
Joe Shonka