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RIDIC web page
Yes, the Radiation Internal Dose Information Center now has a page on
the World-Wide Web. The address is:
Visit the page for information about the center, its staff, and activities.
Currently, there are entries about:
1) The Center, its staff and publications, with contact information
2) The Dose-Net mailing list, with an easy subscription window
3) Availability of the MIRDOSE software and upgrades
4) The upcoming Sixth International Radiopharmaceutical Dosimetry
5) FTP access to some compilations of dose estimates
The compilations include:
1) A compilation of dose estimates for the reference adult for about 80
radiopharmaceuticals (all organs plus effective dose equivalents) - soon
to be released as NUREG/CR-6345)
2) A compilation of dose estimates for adults and children for about 40
radiopharmaceuticals (many organs plus effective dose equivalents),
(recently published as M. Stabin, Internal Dosimetry in Pediatric Nuclear
Medicine, in Pediatric Nuclear Medicine, S. Treves, ed., Springer-Verlag,
3) A compilation of dose estimates for the embryo/fetus at all stages of
pregnancy for about 80 radiopharmaceuticals (recently published as the
Master's thesis of Ms. Joy R. Russell (University of Tennessee, 1995)
and soon to be published in two parts as a paper in the Sixth
International Radiopharmaceutical Dosimetry Symposium proceedings
and as a paper in the open literature).
4) A compilation of S-values for all 10 phantoms and more than 240
radionuclides in the MIRDOSE software (to be published as an ORAU
5) A compilation of observed excretion levels of radiopharmaceuticals in
breast milk, with radiation dosimetry for the nursing infant and guidance
on breast feeding interruption schedules (to be published as part of
The dose estimate compendia will be changed periodically as dose
estimates change, given updates in information about biodistribution,
placental crossover, etc. So if you use this information, you may want to
check periodically and see if updates have occurred. You may
reference this material as a communication from RIDIC, or from the
published versions, as they are available. Please contact us with any
questions or comments about the data or about referencing the
We welcome all suggestions for improvement of the page, and look
forward to hearing from you.
Mike Stabin
Radiation Internal Dose
Information Center
Oak Ridge, TN
423-576-3449 ph
423-576-8673 fax
stabinm@orau.gov (work)
stabin@esper.com (home)