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Re: Air Crew Rad Workers?
The most recent NCRP recommendation on limitation of exposure to the general
public is of 1mSv/y for routine exposures and 5 mSv/y for occasional
exposures. It's been estimated that there can be, and have been, large solar
events during which equivalent doserates as high as 15 mSv/h are possible, at
long distance cruising altitudes (the flares decay quite rapidly, though). As
to what the probability is that any given crew member would be airborne,
during such an event, I don't know.
I recommend, to everyone, the interesting and useful article "Health Physics
Concerns in Commercial Aviation"; Barish, RJ; Health Physics Vol 59, No
2(August), pp199-204, 1990.
Also the USDOT Report No. DOT-P-15-89-5, "Airliner Cabin Environment:
Contaminant Measurements, Health Risks, and Mitigation Options", by Niren L.
Nagda et alia.