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Re: feedback of HP role
At 07:28 PM 05/14/1996 -0500, Angela Michelle Coulter
<gt6826a@prism.gatech.edu> wrote:
>This is a school project. I am getting different people's opinions on the
>following question:
> What is a helath physicist's role: that of educator, innovator,
>technician, or neutral enforcer of rules? Or is it to make money?
>Anyone wishing to reply to this can send it to gt6826a@prims.gatech.edu or
>can leave thru radsafe if anyone is interested.
>Thank you for your input in advance.
>Michelle Coulter
>Georgia Tech student
Actually my perspective on the role of a Health Physicist is that parts of
all of the roles that you referenced are involved in being a "Health
Physicist". As a HP in Government, on I realize that;
1. When I get a call from a citizen who has a question concerning
Health Physics, I realize that I may need to EDUCATE that citizen in areas
where they may have insufficient or incorrect information.
2. When I am involved in the actual solution to a particular situation,
I need to be an INNOVATOR so that if a problem were to arise, it would not
cripple the final outcome.
3. A Health Physicist should also be prepared to function as a
TECHNICIAN or more properly Lead technician at times. You find that if you
get your 'hands dirty', so to speak, that you may more often than not, get
the respect you deserve.
4. Last, but not least, a Health Physicist must be a NEUTRAL ENFORCER
of the rules concerning radiation protection. After all, the HP may be the
only person involved in a situation that has any idea just what radiation is
and what harmful effects are possible if precautions are not followed.
Radiation Protection Regulations, not just a good idea, they are the LAW.
But on the lighter side, WHAT MONEY?
As normal, the opinion expressed in this message does not necessarily
represent that of my employer.
* Robert N. Young *
* TN - Division of Radiological Health *
* 3rd Floor, L & C Annex *
* 401 Church Street *
* Nashville, TN 37243-1532 *
* (615) 532-0364 *
* (615) 532-0385 Main FAX *
* (615) 532-7938 Alt. FAX *