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RE: E-mailing dose records

Mike, I think you have given us some food for thought.  At this time, I also 
don't think it would work very well, and it would seem to be almost an 
unmanageable burden.

But who knows what the future holds?  When every individual working in the 
radiation industry (including physicians, dentists, scientists, reactor 
personnel, regulators such as myself, etc.) is tracked through a GPS system 
from a microtransmitter implanted at birth (complete with Social Security 
number), the solution may become obvious.

So what do we do in the meantime?  We continue to discuss ways to make 
things better and, hopefully, easier for us who have to live by the rules 
and for those who must enforce the rules.  I wish I knew the 
answer......then I could REALLY retire.

Bill Spell

This, definitely, is not the opinion of my employer.  I don't know who's 
responsible for it.    I surely hope my employees don't read it!  <GRIN>
From: radsafe
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: RE: E-mailing dose records
Date: Friday, July 12, 1996 1:13PM

On Thu, 11 Jul 96, "William G. Nabor" <wgnabor@uci.edu> wrote:

>Alas!  In this day of e-mail and computer access, it is still cheaper to
>post personal information on the wall then to notify workers 
>automatically.  Note: badge companies:  PLEASE come up with a method of
>notifying INDIVIDUALS via e-mail of their individual exposures.  This will
>prevent people from not wearing their badges to avoid having their boss get
>angry over a few mR exposure.

OK, I'll bite.

I work for a dosimetry company, and am overseeing a project to convert our
ancient computer system over to something more modern. We will have a web
that will allow browsing, downloading, and local printing of reports in an
uneditable format, as well as a data file that the client can manipulate.
Unreturned badge lists, ALARA reports, adds, drops, barcodes, e-mail, the

I interpret the above request as for notification to the badge wearer of
dose directly, bypassing "the boss". While this is technically feasible,
assuming (huge assumption) everyone who is badged has an e-mail account, the 

boss, as licensee (or representative), is responsible for tracking and
employee dose under that license. I can't imagine a scenario where an RSO
not demand dose report info for everyone badged.

If that info was also e-mailed to the wearer to avoid having to post it
publically, there would be the admin burden of keeping the vendor notified 
everyone's current e-mail address, increased disk space requirements, still
needing to post for those without e-mail, etc.

Frankly, I don't think it would work very well.

If anyone has suggestions beyond the usual for dosimetry vendor electronic
access I would appreciate a personal note. I'll be leaving for the HPS 
school today so I  apologize in advance for not acknowledging your input
promptly. Thanks.

Mike Bielby
TLD Technical Manager
Radiation Detection Company