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Re: database of external terrestial and cosmic dose rates?
At 21:09 12.08.1996 -0500, you wrote:
>Can anyone point me to a database of external terrestial and cosmic
>background dose rates listed for U.S. and World cities and towns?
>So far I've found nothing other than some tables in NCRP 94 and EPA doc
>ORP/SID 72-1 Natural Radiation Exposure in the United States. These data
>are rather brief and dates from the early 1960's. I need more
>comprehensive and recent data. If such a database does not exist, at
>least a database of city and town elevations would be helpful.
>I'm a (new just graduated) medical physicist calculating radiation doses
>from all sources for an epidemiologic study.
>Please also respond to my private email address at the end of this message.
>Best Regards and Thanks,
>Dave McClure
>University of Colorado Health Science Center
>Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics
In the seventies maps of the different components of natural radiation in
Austria were published. If you are interrested in it there might be copies
available (usually at no charge) from the Ministry of Health and Consumer
Protection. Contact Dr. Josef Zechner at the fax number +43-1-713 79 52 and
refer to my recommendation.
Be careful about data on terrestrial radiation in towns. There might be all
kind of influences from pavement and construction material.
Franz Schoenhofer
Federal Institute for Food Control and Research
Kinderspitalg. 15
A-1095 Vienna,
Habichergasse 31/7
A-1160 WIEN
Tel./Fax: +43-1-4955308
Tel.: +43-664-3380333
e-mail: schoenho@via.at