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re: Western Power Outage Thread

At 11:35 AM 8/15/96 -0500, you wrote:
>At 10:42 AM 8/15/96 -0500, you wrote:
>>     This tread started out with the question of whether the availability
>>     of nuclear power in the western states had anything to do with the
>>     recent power outage suffered by the area.  It lead to replies about
>>     the characteristics of gas and coal fired plants and now we're talking
>>     about retail wheeling and deregulation of the utilities.
>>     IMHO, all of this has nothing to do with radiation safety or
>>     protection which is what this forum is about.  Please kill this thread
>>     or take it someplace else.
>>     Thanks,
>>     Mike Vala
>>     mvala@usccmail.bms.com
>Well, everybody has an opinion, and most of them...
>In MY humble opinion, the availability of power from nuclear generators in
>DIRECTLY and INTRICATELY tied to the field of health physics in this
>country, and should be discussed AT LENGTH, both inside and outside of this
>forum.                 ron
>          **************************************
>          Ron Morgan <rgmorgan@lanl.gov>
>          Operational Health Physics (ESH-1)
>          Los Alamos National Laboratory
>          MS K-487, Los Alamos New Mexico, 87545
>          Phone (505) 665-7843
>          Fax   (505) 667-6116
>          Voice pager 104-1787
>          **************************************

As some in the current culture are wont to say. . .  "Mega dittos"  Ron!

Bates Estabrooks