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Real-time radiation mapping

Dear "Radsafers"

I am looking for any information you may have regarding a potentially state-
of-the-art equipment which is either still in development stage or has been 
recently released to the market place.... Those who have read an article on 
this piece of equipment (but unfortunately do not remember 
make/manufacturer), tell me that the equipment uses (at a minimum), some kind 
of "video" camera/dector tied in to a personnel computer. The user directs 
the "video camera/detector" in the direction of the potentially contaminated 
area. The area being viewed by the camera/detector shows up on the PC with 
the radiation areas being highlighted in color - the different radiation 
levels being color coded, or perhaps showing up as gradations of the same 
color (e.g. red)

Such a piece of equipment could be used to remotely detect hot spots, or give 
real time information on radiation areas/levels with the added feature of 
being able to actually "vizualize" the extent of the problem.

Anybody have any information on such an equipment (or similar), whether 
currently in operation someplace, or as something still being developed ? If 
you have some information please get in touch with me at my e-mail address 

Sreela Ferguson 