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David S. Gooden attached the following (among other points):
> What disposal methods should be allowed? Is land farming,
> which is a viable option for the disposal of many petroleum waste
> products, proper for some NORM waste? For example, on-site land
> farming may be an appropriate method of disposal if NORM levels
> are not too high. The real and measurable dangers of death or
> injury due to the operation of heavy earth moving equipment and
> highway trucks could be avoided by allowing land farming in certain
> situations.
Let's not forget the real and measurable dangers of death and injury due to
operation of FARM EQUIPMENT. Statistics aren't at my fingertips, but I
believe farming has been listed among the most dangerous occupations in the USA.
Albert Lee Vest The Ohio State University
Health Physicist Room 101 Research Center
(614)292-1284 1314 Kinnear Road
vest.1@osu.edu Columbus OH 43212-1168
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