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pancake probe to mr/hr conversions -Reply

Thanks a lot, Brian!


>>> Brian Rees <brees@lanl.gov> 08/28/96 04:16pm >>>
At the last place I worked (not a national lab), we always "calibrated" our
 pancake probes (thin window GM tubes for those so inclined) to obtain
a  conversion factor in case a technician came across something
unexpected and  didn't have another instrument.

We usually had a conversion factor of about 4.1 cpm=1uR/hr (Cs-137). 
This  is subject to quite a few limitations, but when you're working in the
 a ballpark number is better than nothing.

This is subject to lots of disclaimers, etc, as it has no bearing on my 

Brian Rees brees@lanl.gov