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Dosimetry Overcharges (revisited)

Greetings Radsafers:

If you recall, I recently (8/16) posted a message that contained concerns
regarding "unreturned dosimeter overcharges".  Since that post I have
received more than two dozen responses from folks who have experienced this
or similar problems (along with numerous other concerns about dosimetry
vendors).  I mentioned that I would summarize the results of this informal
survey at a future date.

What's been decided is that the information will be presented at the Big Ten
RSO conference (sponsored by the University of Chicago - beginning 9/23).
I'm expecting a visit by the NRC around that time, so Kristin Erickson
(Michigan State University) has volunteered to address the group.  Following
a discussion (and collective opinion polling of the Big Ten folks), Kristin
and I (surprise Kristin!) will probably be putting together an article for
RSO Magazine identifying the problems associated with administering
dosimetry programs (both operationally and in dealing with vendors). The
publishers of RSO have already indicated an interest in a study of these topics.

We would very much appreciate further input from those who have not yet
responded.  Again, positive as well as negative commentary is welcomed (even
one-liners if you can't spare much time).  We want to be fair in producing
this vendor "report card".  So please, if you think you have something to
add to this discussion don't hesitate to drop me a line privately (before
next Wednesday).  The names of those responding will not be included in any
presentation or follow-up article.

Best regards,

-Erick Lindstrom

P.S. Ironically, though after much hastle, my vendor just called (as I'm
writting this message) to say that the overcharges that I first brought to
their attention a month ago have been dropped!
 Erick Lindstrom
 Radiation Safety Officer
 309 Montana Hall
 Montana State University
 Bozeman, MT  59717-0244
 Phone: (406) 994-2108
 Fax:	(406) 994-4792