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Re: Chernobyl - reply to Alex Zapantis

Radiation levels ( neutrons ) were said to have risen sharply inside the
Chernobyl No. 4 on september 16th according to Reuter.Valentyn Kupny, said
to be  in charge of the sarcophagus ( what ever taht means ) , said that
some neutron meters inside the sarcophagus had shown incrase in neutron
 The increase was temporary,. Similar incidents have taken place in 1990 and
Information provided on september 18th indicates that the Ukraine
authorities consider the detections made earlier to be malfunction of the
meters involved
after manual measurments of neutron flux and gamma radiation.
It should also be taken into considerstion that Ukrainian officials consider
rebuilding the sarcophagus to be a top priority. President  Kuchma has
promised to close the two reactors still in function by the year 2000, but
this deadline can not be met unless the West begins providing some of the
more than $ 3 billion it has agreed to provide in aid and loans  !!!
More information to be sent directly to you to save bandwith.
Sigurður M. Magnússon

At 18:10 24.09.1996 -0500, you wrote:
>I've heard that there has been a significant increase in radiation
>(radionuclide??) levels around Chernobyl No. 4 over the past week and that the
>Russians are concerned that there may be a "reaction" going on.
>Does anyone have any information on this or know where I could find some
>information - quickly!!
>Alex Zapantis                                  
>Environmental Radiation Officer     
>Office of the Supervising Scientist       Email: azapantis@dest.gov.au
>40 Blackall Street                                 Phone: (int+) 61 6 274 1642
>Barton ACT 2600 AUSTRALIA                 Fax : (int+) 61 6 274 1519
>The Office of the Supervising Scientist is a Branch of the 
>         Federal Environment Protection Agency 