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Re: accuracy in language (was airport x-rays)
While I was at Florida Power and Light Company (an they still do
this) Corporate Communications distributed what we called "Nuclear
Notebooks" to the media, the general public if requested, discussing
nuclear power plants, pictoral designs of the various plant systems,
discussed terminology, provided dose comparisons and addressed the
Emergency Classifications with layman comparisons. While it didn't
solve all of the terminology misuse observed in most press releases
or news shows, it went a long way to educate those who had a
significant impact on what the general public perceived nuclear power
to be.
Sandy Perle
Director, Technical Operations
ICN Dosimetry Services Division
Phone: (800) 548-5100 Ext. 2306
FAX: (714) 668-3149
Telex: 68-55-80
E-mail: sandyfl@ix.netcom.com