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Re: Consultant needed in the Evansville, Indiana area

You wrote: 
>     RadSafers -
>     We are in need of an HP who can perform a one day radiation 
>     refresher training course for R&D personnel in Evansville, 
>     Current materials being used are microcurie quantities of low 
>     beta/gamma emitters.  We would like someone local to minimize 
>     costs.  If you can provide this service, please e-mail me 
>     Thank you,
>     Michael Vala
>     mvala@usccmail.bms.com

I am a health physics consultant not far from you in the Cleveland, 
Ohio area and travel frequently to locations near you.  I have given 
this type of rad. safety review many times before and just completed 
one in the Florida area for fixed gauge users.  You may want to call 
our offices at 216-327-9432 for more information about our group and 
the service we can provide your R & D users.

Ask for Chuck... Sorry I'm responding so late but travel has kept me 