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Re: KI Inquiry -Reply

Thanks Bill ... you almost verbatim quoted the testimony that
I delivered to FEMA on behalf of CRCPD on this issue. BTW,
we're just finalizing an agreement with our state public health
director to have "standing orders" for administration of KI ...
for emergency workers only. A lot of conditions ... patient
insert, notification of the district health director, after-action
report, etc. ... but at least it's a step in the right direction.

Jim Hardeman, Manager
Environmental Radiation Program
Environmental Protection Division
Georgia Department of Natural Resources
4244 International Parkway, Suite 114
Atlanta, GA 30354
(404) 362-2675  fax: (404) 362-2653

>>> Spell, Bill <bills@deq.state.la.us> 10/17/96 14:01 >>>

Our efforts here in emergency response are to keep people
as far away as we  can so that they won't have to use KI, and
the State Health Officer has to  give the word before it is
distributed to individuals.