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RE: Cyclotron/Accelerator Monitoring Inf
My personal comments....
Neutron dosimetry is a very important issue. The neutron spectra and doses
varies a lot. The best is to use the personal albedo neutron dosimeters
that can distinguish at least ranges of the neutron spectra. This is
accomplished, for instance with the German Karlsruhe universal dosimeter
that measures incident and albedo response.
I used the single sphere albedo system to calibrate a neutron albedo
dosimeter developed in Brasil. It worked very nicely.
For details of the technique, pls see
IAEA Technical Report Series n. 252, 1985.
Concerning cyclotrons, the activation of component parts, shielding and
other metallic materials left inside the irradiation room is also an issue.
Radiation protection during maintenance can expose workers to high gamma and
beta dose. Allow some hours before entering the irradiation room . Allow
some days before opening machine ( if that maintenance is necessary) for the
decay of short lived products.
Patricia Wieland
Department of Nuclear Safety
International Atomic Energy Agency
E-mail: wieland@iaea.nepo1.or.at
From: radsafe
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: Cyclotron/Accelerator Monitoring Information
Date: Sunday, 03. November 1996 16:06
X-Comment: Radiation Safety Distribution List
I am interested in broadening my information knowledge base regarding
cyclotron/accelerator monitoring issues. I am specifically interested
in the following:
1. Issues / concerns with respect to both personnel and area
2. Energy spectra and radiation types to be measured
3. Typical exposure levels measured around and within a typical
4. Normal complement of individuals monitored
My only involvement with this type of monitoring was when I was
involved with the State of Florida and assessed the medical cyclotron
located in Miami Beach, FL, but that was back in the 1971-75 time
frame, and much has changed since then.
I would appreciate any information and will be happy to call you to
discuss these questions. Please e-mail me at my address listed below.
Thanks for your assistance.
Sandy Perle
Director, Technical Operations
ICN Dosimetry Division
Office: (800) 548-5100 Ext. 2306
Fax: (714) 668-3149
E-Mail: sandyfl@ix.netcom.com