OK Radsafers, we all know that the ICRP-30 intake/dose
relationships have been incorporated in 10CFR20, Appendix B. But
where does it explicitly say this in the regulation (or in the
Statements of Consideration)??
The question was raised by the reviewer of a radiological
accident assessment that I made, in which I used the organ and
TEDE dose factors of Federal Guidance Report Nr. 11 (FGR-11).
The FGR-11 dose factors [Sv/Bq] were derived from information in
ICRP-30. [This connection is clearly stated.] My claim
[challenged by the reviewer] was that "the data of ICRP-30 [via
FGR-11] are accepted for assessments by the NRC. This data has
been accepted and is, for example, the basis of the ALI and DACs
included in 10CFR20, Appendix B." I could not find a clear
reference for the connection between 10CFR20 Appendix B and
ICRP-30. Is there one???
Indirectly one can show the ALIs and DACs of FGR-11 correspond to
those of 10CFR20, but this approach to connecting ICRP-30 to
10CFR20 is rather obtuse.
Any leads??
Jerry Lahti
Radiological Safety Specialist