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Re: Proposed Rulemaking 10CFR33
I didn't get any text regarding this post but did look up and copy the
following "SUMMARY"....
SUMMARY: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is considering
amending its regulations governing specific licenses of broad scope for
byproduct material to clarify the regulatory and health and safety
basis of current licensing practices and to provide licensees with the
flexibility to make certain types of changes to their radiation safety
programs. Currently, the regulations do not contain a clear description
of the duties and responsibilities of management, the Radiation Safety
Officer (RSO) or the Radiation Safety Committee (RSC). In addition to
various ongoing staff efforts regarding the possible need for
clarification of requirements for broad scope licensees, consideration
of changes to the regulations was also a recommendation of the Incident
Investigation Team reviewing a recent incident involving ingestion of
phosphorus-32 at a broad scope facility. The NRC is evaluating, for
possible codification in its regulations, existing regulations and
appropriate requirements derived from prior guidance and license
standard review plans with reference to: management oversight of broad-
scope licensed programs; the role of the RSO; the responsibilities of
the RSC; supervision; the qualifications of the authorized user; the
use of audits and inventory requirements; and security and control of
licensed material. The NRC is seeking comments and suggestions on
possible revisions.
At 10:38 AM 11/14/96 -0600, you wrote:
>The Federal Register today contains a very important advance notification
>of rulemaking that affects Broad Scope Byproduct Materials licensees. This
>rulemaking has the potential to greatly affect in particular the medical and
>research licensees. While I am not taking a position regarding the proposed
>rules, I do know that many of the RADSAFE participants will be greatly inter-
>ested in commenting. The entire notice is too extensive to publish on this
>listserver, so I have condensed the notice as much as possible to help out
>those who can't get to the Federal Register itself. Areas where text has
>been deleted are marked with repeated slash marks (///////////). I hope that
>this proves helpful.
>Judd Sills, General Atomics San Diego
>[Federal Register: November 14, 1996 (Volume 61, Number 221)]
>[Proposed Rules]
>[Page 58346-58353]
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Tad Blanchard /__ \ /___\ NASA-Goddard Space Flt Ctr
Nat'l Health Svc, Inc O Greenbelt, Maryland
Sr Health Physics Tech / \ Phone: 301-286-9157
/___\ Fax: 301-286-1618