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Federal Register Notice on 10CFR33-Oops

Three people have notified me that somehow the technology has
gotten the better of me.  Everyone has to trust me that I really did put
the information in the note, but for some reason it was very quickly
truncated.  So, for everyone who wants to try, this URL SHOULD take
you directly to the notice in question via a we browser.  Please be
aware that due to the length of the URL, I did permit it to wrap, rather
than break it into two lines.  Hope this helps out:

If anyone can't get it this way, and is able to receive large text files
as attachments, please drop me a personal E-Mail note (don't clutter the
listserver) and I will reply as soon as possible directly to you with the
text file.  Try to get those requests in to me prior to 6:00 pm PST if 
you are in a hurry, because I will be out of the office tomorrow.

Best regards.
Judd Sills