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NRC Strategic Assessment

Are any of you reviewing NRC's "Direction Setting Issues" (DSI) critically ?

DSI number	Title					
	1	Regulating Areas of Little Public Risk (part of DSI 12)
	2	DOE Oversight				
	3	Dual Regulation (part of DSI 7 and DSI 12)
	4	NRC Relationship with Agreement States
	5	LLW
	6	HLW / Spent Fuel
	7	Materials / Medical Oversight
	8	Regulating a Small Number of Licensees (not released)
	9	Decommissioning - Non-Reactor Facilities
	10	Reactor Licensing for Future Applicants
	11	Operating Reactor Program Oversight
	12	Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Regulation
	13	Role of Industry
	14	Public Communication Initiatives
	15	Management Philosophy (not released)
	16	Information Resources Management Planning (ITMRA)

There are many possible timely questions...

Bill Pitchford
Radiation Protection Facility
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona 85287-3501