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Risk-based reasoning in public policycyolicy

First of all, I believe that the majority of the population does not realize 
that their anti-nuke stance w/ regards to nuclear power is affecting serious 
medical research. The American general public has alredy weighed the 
relative risk of nuclear power and in the aftermath of Chernobyl, TMI, 
Millstone, etc.,  they've decided (right or wrong)  that the risk is too 
great, period, end-of-discussion. Having a background in nuclear power, I 
think that is terribly unfortunate, but I think it is just a fact of life.

Having said that, I believe the challenge now is to educate the public that 
having radioactive materials in a lab or hospital is far different that 
having Millstone Unit 3 in your backyard. More importantly, however, is that 
we need to educate them that the radical anti-nukes who want NO use of 
radiation anywhere, anyhow, are also shutting down research that may someday 
find a cure for AIDS, cancer or whatever (to paraphrase Bob Dole).

One final comment: It also may help to educate the anti-nukes who may not 
realize THEMSELVES the long-term effects of their actions.
From: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
Subject:   Risk-based reasoning in public policy
Date: Monday, December 02, 1996 11:17AM

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From: Bill Pitchford <Bill.Pitchford@asu.edu>
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Subject: Risk-based reasoning in public policy
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How about another round of brainstorming in the interest of coming up
with viable alternatives for positively influencing public perception of
relative risk in the technological society?

     1.   Public Service Announcements

     2.   Educational Television Episodes

     3.   Press Releases

     4.   Public Debates

     5.   Dinner Meetings

     6.   Children's Organizations

     7.   Secondary Educational Involvement

     8.   Career Days

     9.   Collegiate Science and Engineering Bowls

       10.     A new television gameshow <grin>

Pros, Cons, Costs, Benefits, Liabilities, Effectiveness, other options ?!?