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Re: One last comment on Irradiation
I agree with Jim,
Since this server is assigned to RADSAFETY, there is no radiation
safety issue concerning the irradiator itself . We should realize that
in industrial countries, irradiators do not present a critical rad
safety problem. Outside the irradiation room, when the 2 million curies
of Co-60 are exposed, we read background radiations.
Maybe Mrs Wieland was thinking about other countries (I heard some
pretty incredible stories but are they just stories ?)
Stephane Jean-Francois P. Eng.
Merck Frosst Canada Inc.
From: JMUCKERHEIDE@delphi.com
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: Re: One last comment on Irradiation
Date: December 17, 1996 09:58
Note that this "principle" has nothing to do with "radiation
protection". It
should be an embarassment to the serious radiation ommunity. It
reflects governmental "radiation applications control policy" interests
will destroy the contribution that nuclear tesociety. That
IAEA is complicit to these politically-motivated policies should be an
embarassment to itself and the nuclear science and technology community.
Regards, Jim Muckerheide
> .....In other words, although food irradiation has a lot of known
> RADIATION SAFETY has to be considered always. The practice should be
> adopted if it is suitable and there is no other "non-radioactive" option
> available.
> Patricia Wieland
> e-mail: wieland@nepo1.iaea.or.at