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EnviroCare mess

I have copied the text of several articles from the Salt Lake City Tribune
that deal with the EnviroCare mess that Steve Rima has mentioned.  Together,
they constitute about 30 K of interesting reading, far too much to post to
RADSAFE.  Anyone who is interested may e-mail me directly (karam.1@osu.edu)
and I will forward these to you.  These articles ran from January 3, 1997
through January 9, 1997 and are also available at the WWW page noted by Steve.


Andrew Karam, CHP (karam.1@osu.edu)
Office of Radiation Safety
The Ohio State University
1314 Kinnear Road
Columbus, OH  43212

Phone: (614) 292-1284   Fax: (614) 292-6404	Alt fax:   292-7002