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Re: Neutron dosimetry using Panasonic UD802
The Panasonic UD802 can be used to measure neutrons, depending on the
energy that you are concerned with. Calibration is very important,
and if not done correctly, can result in significant errors to the
point of no response at all. These are some of the factors you need
to consider:
1. A single UD802 measures gamma, beta and neutrons. Therefore, the
algorithm confidence level drops if you want to use a single
dosimeter to measure all of these fields.
2. Most nuclear power plants in the USA who use the UD802 for
personnel monitoring generally waer a single UD802 for measuring the
gamma and beta, and then wear a different UD802 for measuring the
gamma and neutron. They accomplish this by,
3. Removing the normal whole body badge and use the single neutron
UD802. The gamma from this badge is added to the cumulative gamma
from the normal whole body badge for determining the total gamma
4. The beta dose is measured only from the normal whole body badge,
and of course, the neutron component is only measured from the single
neutron UD802.
5. A separate caliubration factor MUST be used based on the spectra
of interest. The factors are significantly different, and testing
will provide excellent information on the specific correction
6. One negative in this process is that any beta exposed to using the
single neutron UD802 is lost, unless you revert back to trying to
measure gamma, beta as well as neutron (item 1). This can be
reconciled with analysis determining the typical beta component in
the work environment.
The above practice will result in excellent neutron monitoring, as
well as gamma and beta. The use of a UD809 will provide betteer
results, but when comparing the benefit versus cost, the UD802 works
quite well.
Sandy Perle
Technical Director
ICN Dosimetry Division
Office: (800) 548-5100 Ext. 2306
Fax: (714) 668-3149
E-Mail: sandyfl@ix.netcom.com
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