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Articles and photos wanted

As publisher of both Radiation Protection Management (the journal of applied
health physics), and RSO Magazine (devoted to the concerns of radiation
safety officers worldwide), I am writing to ask for articles and photographs.

These journals offer radiation specialists an excellent venue in which to
share information and ideas; these journals are peer-reviewed, well-regarded
in the radiation protection community, and offer excellent exposure for
material!  Our staff is helpful and friendly (we will even "ghost-write"
articles--perhaps turning that report into a publishable article, while
giving you credit for the article), our turn-around time averages
approximately 3 months, we NEVER charge authors or their facilities for work
published (compare that to the $75-$90 per-page charges some journals
exact!) and we do not have artificial and elevated requirements for
submittal.  In fact, we now accept articles and article proposals on-line!  

In addition, we are always in need of good quality, interesting photographs
for covers on these publications.  We don't pay for photographs, but you
(and your facility, if desired) get full credit and maximum exposure for
your work! Our only requirements are that the subject relate in some way to
radiation safety/radiation protection, and that the photo be of good
quality--i.e., high contrast, well exposed and defined.

For more details about publishing with us, please check out our home page at
http://www.neca.com/~rso/pubs.htm.  There, you can find a year's worth of
tables of contents, guidelines for authors, suggested topics, subscription
and advertising information, and general information about these two journals.

You can e-mail us at publish@neca.com if you have any questions, or would
like to propose an article.

Please keep us in mind.  We hope to hear from you.

Sharyn Mathews
RSA Publications
Publishers of 
Radiation Protection Management, and
RSO Magazine

USPS: 19 Pendleton Drive, PO Box 19, Hebron, CT 06248-0019
VOICE: 860/228-0824
FAX: 860/228-4402
e-mail: publish@neca.com