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regional IRPA meeting

Dear Radsafers,

I was asked to help to spread information about an IRPA regional symposium
which will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, between September 8-12,
1997. The topic is "Radiatio Protection In Neighbouring Countries Of
Central Europe". The organizers hope to atract an wide audience which is
not limited to European countries, in order to strengthen cooperation in
this field throughout the world. The major scientific topics are

1. General aspects of radiation protection
2. Natural radiation exposure
3. Radiation protection at workplaces
4. Environmental aspects of radiation protection
5. Instrumentation and methods
6. Non-ionising rediation protection

The deadline for abstract submission has been extended till March 10,
1997. To receive a copy of the "Call for Papers", please contact the
Symposium Chairman:

Dr. Josef Sabol
Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering
Czech Technical University
115 19  Praha 1, Brehova 7, Czech Republic

In addition to the obvious professional interest of the meeting, Prague
has many historical and cultural treasures to offer to the visitors - well
worth considering the trip.
Best regards

Vashek Vylet
Radiation Physics, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
phone: (415)926-2048               fax: (415)926-3569
e-mail: vylet@slac.stanford.edu