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Re: Queries

Bob Flood wrote:

> Now, my money is on the physician in question being certain in his/her
> beliefs that every photon is a killer! That's not knowledge - that's
> prejudice, and it obviously makes a lousy basis for medical judgements.

But, how did he come by his belefs?  Physicians listen to the media,
too.  It just might be that he got the information on which he based his
beliefs from one of the media's presentations of the anit nuclear
people's biases and their insistance that every photon is a killer.  If
the antis did not have the NCRP's "a little radiation MAY be harmful" to
twist into "a little radiation IS harmful," I firmly am of the opinion
most of the public radiophobia would go away.  I really would like the
opportunity to be proved wrong.  Al Tschaeche xat@inel.gov