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Re: Wing: Descriptive Epidemiology by Any Other Name...
John Moulder stated:
> January copy of the EHP has not yet reached subscribers. It has only been in
> the last 24-48 hours that a copy has appeared on the NIEHS website.
The news media printed the details of the allegations from Wing and
colleagues. The audio media and the TV networks reported the news
article and allegations as well. This all occurred on Monday, the
24th, and since that time, nothing has been written regarding the
subject. John refers to the publication itself, in the EPH. My
cooments refer to no publication from anyone refuting this
information as publiched by Wing, other than a reference to the
original scientist at Columbia who did the original study. This
rebuttal was published and was referenced in Radsafe a few days ago,
so all could see their comments. Again, WHY haven't there been any
comments from HPS, or other organizations?
Sandy Perle
Technical Director
ICN Dosimetry Division
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Office: (800) 548-5100 x2306
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"The object of opening the mind as of opening
the mouth is to close it again on something solid"
- G. K. Chesterton -