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Re: Minigenerators
Reply to: RE>Minigenerators
Hoy! Hoy! Radsafers:
Amersham makes Cs-137/Ba-137m minigenerators. Contact them at (800) 323-6695
ext. 325 and inquire about the following products:
Cs-137/Ba-137m Isotope Generator --- Product Code: CDRB1385
250 ml Eluting Solution --- Product Code: NQB1948
Sorry, pricing info was not included in the literature, but, ask for the cool
gift Antoine-Henri Becquerel mouse pads!
Michael J. Bohan, RSO | e-mail: mike.bohan@yale.edu
Yale-New Haven Hospital | Tele: (203) 785-2950
Radiological Physics | FAX: (203) 737-4252
20 York St. - WWW 204 | As usual, everything I say may be plausibly
New Haven, CT 06504 | denied at my employer's convenience ...
Date: 27/02/97 2:35 PM
To: Mike Bohan
From: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
I am looking for a source of Cs-137/Ba-137m minigenerators. Redco Science
Inc. made them at one time. We use these minigenerators in our teaching
The minigenerator is a miniature eluting system of radionuclide "cow"
containing a long-lived radionuclide which decays to a short-lived
radionuclide; and it is designed so that short-lived daughter can be
separated easily, rapidly, and repeatedly from the long-lived parent. The
miniature radioisotope generator contains a minuet quantity (0 microcurie)
of Cesium-137 through isomeric transition with emission of a 662 keV gamma
ray. By elution with 0.04 Normal hydrocloric acid solution, the short-lived
daughter Barrium-137m can be milked from this minaturized "cos" in less than
one minute.
I would appreciate help in locating a manufacturer of the minigenerator.
Redco Science Inc. in Oxford, Connecticut made the minigenerators before.
Thanks for the help!
John Pickering, RSO
San Jose State University
(408) 924-4818