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Re: Minigenerators
Amersham makes them. Try:
Michael L. Snyder
Product Manager
Quality and Safety Assurance, Products and Services
Amersham-QSA (isotrak)
Tel: (800) 323-6685 x325
Fax: (847) 593-8091
At 01:29 PM 2/27/97 -0600, you wrote:
>I am looking for a source of Cs-137/Ba-137m minigenerators. Redco Science
>Inc. made them at one time. We use these minigenerators in our teaching
Erick Lindstrom
Radiation Safety Officer
Montana State University
309 Montana Hall
Bozeman, MT 59717-2440
Phone: (406) 994-2108
Fax: (406) 994-4792
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formal education positively fortifies it." - Stephen Vizinczey