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RE: Charge for waste disposal

We charge departments for a portion, but not all of the actual outside
disposal costs. This includes disposal fees, containers, packing
materials, transportation. It does not include our services of picking
up the waste and preparing it for shipment. Therefore, if we can decay
the waste in storage (our license allows this if the half-life is less
than 100 days), there is no charge to the user. Even though the rad
disposal companies traditionally charge by volume, we find it easiest to
assess cost by weighing each waste package before we bulk it. (We also
charge back RCRA waste disposal, and need to keep  track of kilograms of
waste for EPA purposes anyway.) The charge to departments is whatever
cost is associated with the disposal of their portion of the waste drum.
Whether the department turns around and bills individual grants or users
is up to them. The administration still picks up a portion of the costs.
Overall, it makes everyone aware of the actual costs of doing research.
It has done wonders for our waste minimization program. 

I can hear some of your comments that "Won't people just put their waste
down the drain if you charge them for it?" Our evidence goes against
that assumption. We do regular lab inspections and the City does
effluent testing and we have not seen anything suspicious. We have tried
to educate our researchers about their responsibilities and liabilities
in waste disposal. The costs to them are kept low enough that it isn't
worth the risk of improper disposal.

STANDARD DISCLAIMER: "I didn't do it."

Jim F. Herrold
Radiation Safety Officer
University of Wyoming
Environmental Health & Safety
312 Merica Hall
Laramie, WY 82071

(307) 766-3277

>From: 	Sim Shanks[SMTP:shankss@odrge.odr.georgetown.edu]
>Sent: 	Tuesday, April 22, 1997 2:48 PM
>To: 	Multiple recipients of list
>Subject: 	Charge for waste disposal
>In an effort to reduce operating costs to the general fund, the university
>is looking into the possibility of charging radioactive material users for
>disposing of their radioactive waste.  I would appreciate any words of
>wisdom from those people who already are charging the RAM users for waste
>How do you access the charges? volume, weight, surcharge, etc.
>Lessons learned.
>What changes would you make if you could?
>Thank you in advance for your assistance.
>Sim Shanks, RSO		        		shankss@odrge.odr.georgetown.edu
>Georgetown University					(202) 687-4712
>Office of Environmental Health and Safety	fax 	(202) 687-5046
>3900 Reservoir Road,  N.W.
>Washington DC  20007