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RE: Comment on Frontline - "Nuclear Reaction"

I didn't get to see the frontline program but caught your question about
the connection between the anti-nuclear movement and Viet Nam era

Tom Paukin, chairman of the Texas Republican committee, was there when
the anti-Viet Nam movement shifted to anti-nuclear.  I would recommend
his book, "The 30 Years War, the Pollitics of the Viet Nam Generation"
for the story.

Tom Goff
WIPP Radiological Controls 

>From: 	presley.j@atomcon.gc.ca[SMTP:presley.j@atomcon.gc.ca]
>Sent: 	Wednesday, April 23, 1997 9:36 AM
>To: 	Multiple recipients of list
>Subject: 	Comment on Frontline - "Nuclear Reaction"
>     Radsafers,
>     After reading the discussions which appeared
>     on Radsafe preceding the program on PBS last night
>     I was expecting a biased "pro-nuclear" piece.
>     In actuality, my impression was the piece was quite balanced.
>     Ralph Nader et al were given ample opportunity to state
>     their opinions.
>     When put in such a format the "dread" of
>     nuclear power is exposed as quite irrational.
>     I was wondering if the suspicions that the American public
>     has of government and the nuclear industry (in contrast
>     with the French ) is a spillover of the Vietnam War ?
>     My feeling of the Canadian public is that we are
>     somewhere between the American and the French.
>     Jim Presley
>     presley.j@atomcon.gc.ca