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Re: Potassium Iodide administration

Date sent:      Tue, 29 Apr 97 10:16:42 -0500
Send reply to:  radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
From:           "Richard J Sobilo"<rjsobilo@beckman.com>
To:             Multiple recipients of list <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
Subject:        Potassium Iodide administration

Does anyone out there have any information on routine oral administration
of KI. I am considering the possibility of offering this option for
researchers performing iodinations  who would like to minimize their uptake
of radioiodine. Any ideas or info?

Rich Sobilo    RSO
Beckman Instruments, Inc.

Before considering KI, you may want to take into account factors such 
as, will the iodinations conducted in a hood, What are the quantities 
involved for each iodination and at what frequency etc. 

At our campus, a number of researchers perform iodinations some of 
them fairly routinely. The quantity involved varies from 1 mCi upto 
5 mCi of 125I. All iodinations are conducted within an approved fume 
hood. Radiation Safety Division does the oversight functions by 
assigning an operational health physicist. We never had the occassion 
to consider administration of KI in the past 5 years.

Vas Komanduri
Health Physicist
Environmenatl Health And Safety
University of Maryland At Baltimore
714 W.Lombard St.
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: (410) 706 - 6281
Fax:(410) 706 - 8212

P.S: Standard disclaimer applies.