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Hotel Rooms in San Antonio

I have been out performing inspections for a few days and hadn't read ALL of 
my Radsafe messages before I freaked out and sent Radsafe a request 
regarding hotel rooms in San Antonio.  Had I patiently read my messages, I 
would have realized that the problem had been solved by other folks.  I know 
better than that!

I want to thank everyone who responded directly to ensure me rooms were 
available.  By the way, I did make my reservations, and, working for the 
State of California, got my room at the government rate of $91/night.  Quite 
a break for us public servants.  The only night which did not have the 
government rate available was the 28th.  Apparently the government block is 
small, so if there are other governmental employees wishing this rate, I 
suggest you call the hotel directly and soon.

Trisha Edgerton, MS, CHP